From the Shadows is something when we go into the Life E.D Bus and learn about drugs. This is a recount of what I learned.
Drugs, There are a lot of different drugs. Some are legal, some, illegal. But whatever drug you have or take, it's going to change the way your body works. Drugs can be taken in many different ways. One of those ways are smoking and is probably one of the most known ways of taking drugs.
People may not class Alcohol as a drug but it really is. Did you know, adults can only break down one standard glass of Beer, Wine and Spirits per hour. The standard glass size if different for these three because they have different levels of alcohol. Beer being an average of 4-7, wine 12-15 and spirits 30-40. Usually when people are listing drugs they don't say alcohol but remember they can.
Legal and Illegal drugs:
Some drugs are legal because they are used in medicines like pretty much every medicine there is now! A drug is something you consume that isn't oxygen, water or food and it changes your body. Thats why there is illegal drugs because they change your body for the worse. Illegal drugs are put into classes because some can be worse then others. Michael explained to us that a lot of 13 year olds start with glue, then marijuana and then something worse.
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