Monday, 15 September 2014

NZ Political Party.

The civilian party policies.

  • Declare New Zealand’s independence from Hamilton. 
  • Establish a space program, and become the first nation in Australasia to send a man to the moon; not to explore it, just someone we don’t like.
  • Reform the tax system so that it rewards success and punishes failure. Ensure that the bulk of taxes are aimed at the greatest source of poverty in New Zealand: the poor.
  • Remove the monarchy and become an independent banana republic.
  • Close the pay gap between men and women by working to reduce men’s wages.
  • Alleviate poverty amongst children by giving every poverty-stricken child a llama as a means to a basic income.
  • End discrimination against social majorities. No more special services just for Maori; no more car parks just for disabled people; no more hip operations just for people who need hip operations.
  • Bring ultra-fast broadband access to the majority of rural New Zealand by 2016 and dial-up to Invercargill by 2017.
  • Replace New Zealand’s national anthem with the theme song from the 1996 film Space Jam, by Quad City DJs. A Maori version of Space Jam shall be composed to be sung alongside the English version.
  • Ice cream.
8 things you have to have to create a political party in New Zealand. 

  • An acceptable party name (and any abbreviation).

  • Satisfactory evidence of at least 500 eligible members.
  • Statutory declarations from its party secretary concerning membership, intention to contest general elections and advising of any component parties.
  • Party membership rules showing what is required for current financial membership, and candidate selection rules which provide for the democratic involvement of members in the process.
  • An auditor (or person who has agreed to be auditor when the party is registered).
  • A party secretary with a postal address and contact details.
  • Either the secretary, or a sitting MP who is a current financial member of the party, to make the application.
  • $500 application fee.

    My Party

    Name: Freedom Fighters.

    Health policy:
    All people under 15 get free GP visits.
    All people under 18 get free dental visits.

    Education policy:
    Students learn what is important in life not random math.

    Defence policy:
    Police can only taze people after being assaulted in some way NOT threatened.

    Business policy:
    Business get paid more from the government to give it to deserving employees.

    Elderly Policy:
    Retirement home are cheaper so they can still by food and give money down to their children.

    Environment policy:




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