Thursday, 13 February 2014

Google's Title Today.

What link does the google image take you to today? Information about Valentines Day.

How is this topic linked to today’s date? Because today, hundreds of years ago Saint Valentine was beheaded because he was a christian and he preformed a miracle.

Make a connection to today’s topic. Seven years ago today, I became a Christian.

List 3 keywords which are related to today’s topic. Love, Chocolate and Flowers.

List 5 facts about today’s topic. 

1. It is celebrated in many countries across the world.
2. Valentines day was invented in the 5th century. 
3. Birds mate on Valentines Day.
4. St Valentine was put in prison because he was helping a woman and a soldier get married and the soldier wasn't aloud to.
5. In America over a billion dollars is spent on Valentines every year.

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